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Tips from self-employed introverts on how to be successful in business










There are many words to describe being an introvert.

As an introvert myself, I understand the struggles of running a business in a world where we’re expected to constantly share our voices, lives, and experiences with strangers online to “make it big.”

Because we prefer being behind the scenes, we run the risk of missing out.

In this blog, I’ll share tips from self-employed introverts on how to be successful in business without needing to shout it from the rooftops!

You’ll often find introverts much more likely choose self-employment, creating a comfortable work-life reality;

“I started my business because I love managing things, I’m self-motivated enough and hate working the usual ‘9-5’. I’m highly creative and intuitive and working for myself gives me the necessary space and freedom to design/ create a work-life I enjoy, and also bring challenges and fulfilment”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“I wanted to have my own company since high school. It took me 17 years in a corporate environment to build the confidence and contacts to give it a go. The timing was right with two small children that something needed to change to be 'present' more.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Handling situations that require lots of social interaction can be really hard for introverted people, but is necessary in running a successful business;

“I try to reframe my thoughts on introversion – you can meet many different people and it’s important to be ‘open’ to networking events etc, and not to over-think the situation”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“Networking events are a no-go for me - unless I am invited by a client for a 'catch up' or event. I’m fine when I know people, but starting from scratch knowing no-one is terrifying. Client meetings are fine – I treat those like I’m catching up with friends.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

It’s important for introverts to set up their working environment to suit their sensitive nature;

“I find routine - even on my days off - to be highly beneficial in keeping my sensitive nature balanced. Going to the gym, putting boundaries on work, and setting up hours dedicated to work are helpful.”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“I have a studio away from home. When the kids are home and I’m working, the best investment was noise cancelling headphones! I don’t think that’s an introvert thing, just a 'needing space to think' thing!”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Routines and habits are important to help introverts stay focused and productive;

“I am a massive creature of routine. When I eat. When I run. My schedule, and the kids. Everything including work jobs are scheduled and blocked in my calendar. This helps me visually see my days, which is the easiest way for me to feel comfortable with the load. I need to have music on usually as silence makes me anxious.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Managing difficult client interactions can be a nightmare for those with an introvert nature...

“If a client has stepped over a boundary or not been polite/ respectful I make sure to ask myself if I am comfortable working with this person, and if my energy is aligned correctly with this client. If it is not harmonious and respectful, this is a sign that perhaps my services are not for this person.

"I make sure I come from a place of manners and respect for myself and my work - and to act professionally when dealing with difficult clients, and if I have the time/ energy to be allowing this in – Is this client is taking up more time and energy than necessary? Are they taking energy away from me focusing on other clients that may benefit more from my services?”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“I emotionally detach and put my big girl pants on.

"It’s taken years, but I’m learning that my 'business' hat is very different from my 'designer' hat. I’m learning to nip things in the bud, be firmer if clients don’t pay on time, and if it escalates to having to be a dreaded phone call because emails haven’t worked, then I do it first thing in the morning to get it over with.

 "Also, learning that it’s 'expected' of you to chase those things. You're not in the wrong, they are, so just like you'd tell your kids off if they were in the wrong, it’s the same thing..”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Marketing yourself as an introvert can be a real struggle for some – but it’s a necessary evil...

“I put out business cards in local areas. I did not have ANY social media when I first got the hunch to begin my business – and I was pushed to start an Instagram page, YouTube channel and just recently a Facebook page. I then realised the reach it has, and how social media is an integral part of ‘getting out there’! I find it a confidence booster and empowering... if you don't let others negativity or opinions sway you from following through with your own business guidance!

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

Finding a marketing method to suit your personality is critical in becoming a happy and successful small business owner;

“I have come to love social media – mostly because I’ve been able to connect with so many people I wouldn’t have connected with otherwise, as well as word of mouth… I love word of mouth marketing! And just chatting to people in general - you never know what could happen!”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“Do good work. Referrals and people-knowing-people goes a long way.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Support systems and networks will help you succeed;

“In the beginning I came up against A LOT of people who tried to push me down, tell me I couldn't do it, mock me, etc. It was just me for the first year as I was setting up the structure and following my own inner directives – I’m lucky that I’m pretty self-autonomous – my experience helped me refine my business and create inner support, confidence, and trust – that is paramount as a solo business owner! I have a few people who get what I do – and I have trusted ‘advisors’ or people that I go to that I trust whole heartedly!”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“I invested in 1:1 coaching, mainly to have someone in the industry to bounce ideas off in terms of what you’re worth, how to approach price increases, the creative ‘business stuff’. My support system is 100% my family. I do it for them, and they know it’s important to me, so they get it.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Asking for help while maintaining independence can be tricky to navigate...

“When I don't know something and it’s not my expertise I trust that I will be guided to someone who can help me – but on the whole, I enjoy trying to solve issues myself, as I am the one running the business and I know the energy and structure the best! I am very open to support and advice if the person themselves is aligned with me… I am discerning when taking on others negative or limited beliefs on business and success – therefore I am careful with whom I go to for support and feedback.”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“I put any third party contractors through me. I’m one human but run a business, so if you want a photoshoot that’s fine, I’ll be bringing a full crew with me as ‘my’ business. On that day, they work for me. Same goes with any contractors when I get busy or need a skillset that isn’t mine. We have quite a cool collective of likeminded creatives and each of us like working together when we get the chance. I also have accountant partners. They are more than just the number guys doing GST and tax returns. They’re there for advice when I need it, if I wanted to grow, we would set up a plan together.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Creating video content for social media can be a real struggle for introverts!

“I make sure that firstly I am ENJOYING what I am making – there is nothing worse than feeling ‘I have to create content’ when it’s not aligned with the buzz of what I'm creating! I have had A LOT of learning lessons with social media – including YouTube and creating firm energetic boundaries around what is necessary and what is not!”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

How to stay active on social media while remaining comfortable and true to your introverted nature;

“Boundaries! I try not to go on social media outside of my ‘work’ hours!”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

Advice for introverted entrepreneurs who are just starting out…

“Trust your intuition, don't listen to ‘the hustle and grind’, and if you are more feminine-based and intuitive/ reserved – create a business and online space that suits you so you are enjoying what you’re doing! Always be authentic online and aligned with yourself for the best impact and confidence – people can read energy online and no one likes a fraud! If you feel you need to take a break from social media and business – always follow what feels right to you! Sometimes we need to take a break so we can gather fresh insight, inspiration and find ‘the next steps’!”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“I think you can be an introvert but still be an amazing business owner. For me, it’s about how much of me I put out there, and how I recover (time alone). But there is an element of self-confidence – you need to succeed and if you're good at what you do you need to remember that, and remember your 'why'. Even the most confident extrovert will have self-doubt at times.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

Advice in general for introverts in business…

“There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to business, and with the online world there are A LOT of people who are after attention, click bait and money. It’s important to always do what feels right to you, and to listen to your energy and that flow. Ease and confidence come from listening to yourself in business!”

– Bee, Psychic, Medium & Healer, NZ

“It’s often the quietest person in the room that has the most valuable opinion. That could be you. Speak up, you'll be respected for it.”

– Anon Creative, NZ

I hope you’ve found this blog useful! Thank you to my lovely anonymous creative and to Bee for their insights into owning a successful business as an introvert.


You can learn more about Bee’s offerings and follow her business via these links;

Instagram - @love_bee44

Youtube - Cosmos with B

Facebook - Love B


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