Put your business in the hands of your clientele with the timeless craft of printed media
Printed material such as product labels, brochures, flyers, postcards, posters and banners are a great way to promote your products and/or services.
Reinforce your message
Printed material provides your company the opportunity to saturate the market with your brand message. When consumers see your consistent branding on posters, flyers, packaging and postcards, your message is reinforced.

"Wow you never cease to amaze me with the cool designs you come up with". Heather
Connect with your consumer
Consumers walking or driving by a large sign, banner or poster will receive your message without having to do a thing. Postcards and brochures delivered to the homes of a targeted demographic can entice them to read your marketing message. Printed material connects with your consumer without waiting for them to initiate action.

Staying power
Printed material has staying power in the home or office. An informational brochure or catalogue can be on-hand for reference, even when online options are not available. Some people prefer to bookmark printed material or make notes on the printed page.

Graphic Design for Print – my first area of expertise
It all started with graphic design for print; way back in 2002 when I was employed to design printed newsletters, annual reports and real estate adverts. I learned a lot about the printing process;
How on-screen colour can vary drastically when printed
How colour limitations can affect the design
How you can only guarantee a colour outcome if you pay for Pantone inks (and even then you aren't guaranteed a 100% colour match or consistency)
How newspapers can destroy a beautiful piece of art!
How you benefit from my experience
It is from these years of experience and learning in an office environment (both from amazing co-workers and also companies able to pay for reprints after my mistakes!) that you can trust me with your print requirements today. There are so many factors that need to be considered when creating design for print, and I will manage all these processes for you, and explain along the way when necessary.

Designerbloom works with and recommends the below printing companies